Labour Relations Training Programs

We consider training and skills development of the utmost importance and for this reason we provide excellent programs to equip your managers,supervisors,teamleaders,foreman as well as shop stewards and arm them with the essential knowledge and information in order to adequately deal with any labour related issues which may arise in the workplace.

Training programs also include assisting and equipping line managers with skills to fairly initiate disciplinary action and take disciplinary action short of dismissal. We also offer training to assist in equipping those chosen individuals to effectively and fairly chair disciplinary hearings.

Through our training and methodology we also adjust the mindsets of shop stewards and workers alike through an appropriate and consistent training program.

We also offer refresher sessions over periods of time where participants are reminded of their gained learning and information is refreshed and changes to case law and legislation is discussed.

We attend to the drafting of tailor-made training material and focusing our training on the specific needs of your organization.

We also offer subject specific flash workshops which involves bringing employers and its employees dealing with Employee relations/Human Capital up to speed with latest developments in the Labour arena.

Our facilitators are seasoned trainers and all have been accredited through the SETAS as facilitators, assessors and/or moderators.